Drain the swamp, for real this time
Drain the swamp, for real this time
CRT or Critical Race Theory
This is as much a theory as gravity is a theory. The history is too recent and too well documented to be seriously disputed.
If a person advocates for or suggests civil war between citizens, that person might not be a patriot.
If a person advocates for the secession of our states or to diminish the unity of our states, that person might not be a patriot.
If a person restricts or obstructs the voting rights of citizens, that person is no patriot at all.
There is no scale for patriotism that I know of, these are just a few indications that the speaker may not have nation or citizens' best interest in mind.
Because our diversity protections are strong and the Trans community has proven as capable as any in the work force and elsewhere, the issues are mostly social.
In the medical field it is necessary to look on the biological side to determine diagnosis and treatment.
In certain sports, when a clear and obvious advantage is attained, transitioned/ing persons should probably be prohibited from entry.
Persons below the age of seventeen will be prohibited from chemical or surgical bodily alteration(s) in regards to sex transitioning.
Book Bans and Book Reading
I am against banning most books in schools, excluding excessively sexual material (Fifty Shades Of Grey, The Kama Sutra, etc).
On Trump I know about as much as the public on most issues and so, do not have much to offer. I did not vote for him though I saw the appeal of a business insider who knows the tricks of the trade and is willing to use them against the corrupt. Not only did he fail at draining the swamp, he also added to it's depths. His continued efforts at deceiving the public in regards to a stolen election are unpatriotic and undemocratic. In the courts, like any citizen, he had the right to defend and prove his innocence.
On Biden I know about as much as the public on most issues and so, do not have much to offer. I voted for him. I was and still am concerned about his age and faculties. Despite his skill in statecraft and competent team, he offers one little to be inspired by. The status quo has been unaltered under his administration.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
The benefits of Affirmative Action far exceed any perceived detriments. The most popular perceived detriment is that it will be harder for non minority persons to attain admission in universities and the job market, that is correct but I call it competition and it is good to have.
The ruling on Affirmative Action and Roe, is a red,white and blue middle finger to our minority populations, particularly those without wealth.
The Native American population has been damaged greatly and has not yet been mended.
Major reconciliation efforts will be made repair this nations' wounds of the past.
Under my administration, expect strict scrutiny to be applied to the laws and regulations in the American financial system.
Climate change mitigation and reduction measures of all kinds will be enacted
All foreign balloons that enter American airspace without permission will be promptly shot down.
Oil and energy industries will be heavily incentivized to pivot to renewables by all reasonable means at my disposal.
Renewable power will be heavily incentivized for the American public and businesses.
Anti-monopoly measures will be taken in necessary industries.
The creation of community programs for the purposes of environmental cleanup and camaraderie will be enacted.
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered".
- Thomas Jefferson
"We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win, and the others, too". - John F Kennedy
..had for more than a century before been regarded as beings of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations; and so far inferior, that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect. - Chief Justice Roger Taney
Please reach me at mullerforpresident@gmail.com if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Yes, I am seriously running for president of the United States of America.
Yes I do.
With some luck and a fair shake in the media and elsewhere, minimum chances stand near 69%. Realistically I have a 50/50/50 chance of winning.
You're right, sorry. The truth is I'm confident that my policies are just, and will be preferred by both parties.
My only qualifications are those given to every citizen born in this nation. I possess no accreditation or certificate of knowledge that would give an advantage in the position of the presidency.
Very good, thank you. The recent trials of Trump are a fine example of use of law for democratic principles and proof that in America it is far more difficult to dictate in than elsewhere. With that said I will use lawful authority to attain goals. When met with opposition, I will listen to their council and compromise when just proposals are offered. I will not ask elected officials for 11,000 votes or any other number of votes and I will use my third of shared power to prevent unjust laws and procedures from being passed.
Great question, the abortion thing is a remedy to laws imposed on citizens by states under southern governance, but I think it benefits all states. As for the gun stuff, it is my attempt to structure a very old system that was built with little to none.
My name is Dustin Reece Muller, born in Fort Knox, Kentucky. I am 34 years of age but will be 35 and legally eligible for the presidency by election day. I have, on more than several occasions been on the receiving side of justice. Between these meetings with justice, I worked. Manufacturing, food and beverage, hospitality, custodial, some maintenance and anything else I could get. I do not practice any religion. My achievements are few and minor. My Idols are George Carlin and Jesus Christ, George for his skill in observation, insight and humor, Jesus for his mercy and compassion. Although I may not be the best America has to offer, those better people are busy working, unwilling or stuck in traffic.
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